Labeled Lavish Labeled Lavish

Lets Start with The Basics

Hey and welcome to my blog to help my clients keep up with their hair and stay in the loop. Today’s topic is after care. I have a lot of clients who are new to getting their hair done and new to extensions as a whole. Today I will break down the types of things to avoid and to use after a service with yours truly!!

Let’s start of with the DON’T’s:

•do not wear a elastic band everyday or regularly. Elastic bands are used to place lace not to preserve. The band will collect oil and dirt and that will transfer to your lace giving you that dark lace/ dirty lace look. 👀

Please use a satin band and put an elastic band on top if you would like extra security.

•do not brush or comb directly at the roots of your lace frontal or closure regularly. This causes balding especially if you are using hd lace. Start at the bottom of your hair and make your way up.

•do not try to glue your lace at home using glue without cleaning your install. This will damage your skin, make the lace look dirty, and may even cause a sticky mess on your lace. PLEASE USE A LACE SPRAY of your choice. I am currently loving the K2 lace spray.

•do not forget to brush the nape of that hair 👀🤣lol

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